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10+ Slow Cooker Meat and Poultry Recipes for Busy Families

Meal planning for a family with various special dietary needs can be incredibly difficult.We are an incredibly busy family of six with one vehicle. Weeknights are filled with sports practices, theater rehearsals and so much more.All of our kids are teens with big appetites.Crockpots or slow cookers are how we make it through our hectic weeks.Here are 10+ Slow Cooker Meat and Poultry Recipes for Busy Families we love!We've tried countless crockpot recipes which my husband and I love.Unfortunately...
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The Most Frustrating Aspect of Reactive Attachment Disorder

In my experience, the most frustrating aspect of caring for a child or teen with Reactive Attachment Disorder has been waiting for her to choose to heal, if she is capable of doing so.The consequences that caregivers and family members experience during the process of waiting are unfathomable every step of the way.A child or teen with Reactive Attachment Disorder can't be forced to heal. There's no magic formula that caregivers can follow to make them do so.Healing is a choice that only the...
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The 7 Stages of Healing from Reactive Attachment Disorder

How does someone heal from Reactive Attachment Disorder? What does healing look like?Are there different stages in healing from Reactive Attachment Disorder?I am thrilled to share the 7 Stages of Healing from Reactive Attachment Disorder that we have identified and experienced in our home.My oldest adopted daughter has suffered from Reactive Attachment Disorder her entire life.Her story is one of bravery, healing, and hard work.She has been so kind to share her experiences in hopes...
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FREE Sacrament Meeting Visual Schedule Flip Book and Social Story

Some children, teens, and adults struggle to attend church meetings for a number of reasons.Over the years we've created a number of resources to help children during religious services.We are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.Our youngest has a very difficult time attending church.She requested a visual schedule for sacrament meeting, our main hour of worship each week, to help her understand the order of events.As I prepared a visual schedule for her, I realized that a...
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